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Karina Sokulski

New Year, New Writing Goals

Happy New Year!!!

2018 is finally here! It may seem like just another year for many (and thank goodness for those who had a shred of normality last year), but for myself and my loved ones, we couldn't be happier. 2017 was a whirlwind, with so many ups and downs. I married in April to the love of my life, in August Hurricane Harvey hit and affected my family (thankfully without life-threatening tragedy), in November I won NaNoWriMo and finished off the year bidding farewell to a few loved ones until the next life. Ups and downs, such is life, but life goes on and a new year has come to greet us all!

I woke this morning pumping full of energy, with lingering promises I intend to make good on. The one I'm discussing here, of course, is my New Years resolution. By year's end, I'm getting my book into an agent's hand and getting published. There, I said it. Even as I type the words now, I feel my blood pumping, my heart hammering and that energetic prickle that comes from determination. I'm ready to start 2018 with as much passion and determination as I can muster. It's a new year and like a friend said to me midnight of 2018 as we sipped our bubblies, "This is going to be a good, prosperous year. I feel it."

Well, I do to. I intend to live up the next 364 days (as of today) to the fullest and give it my all. I want to publish my book, I want to get my writing career off the ground and I want to be able to throw my fist in the air and declared I did what I'm typing right now.

So? What about you? Got your writing resolution figured out? If not, get into the spirit of a new year! The new opportunities are staring you in the face, waiting for you to seize them. Be good, be a little bad, be as ambitious as you can and get out there and get to work. You've got 364 days to finish whatever writing project you've got on the back burner. Happy 2018 everyone!

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