This is a HUGE deal. Colossal even! It's November 15th, which is officially the day that marks November, and NaNoWriMo's, half way point! How are we feeling?
(provided above is a spectrum of most NaNoWriMoer's reactions depicted by GIFs)
Need a tip on where you should be word count wise? If you've been following the mantra of writing 1,667 words per day: your target word count is 25,005! Not there yet? Now's your chance to catch up! There's exactly 15 days left of this month, but still plenty of time to win! Don't stress and just keep crunching those words!
Most importantly, don't forget, you're not in this challenge alone. Need to change up your battle station? No worries! NaNoWriMo has dozens of write-ins at this link. Need to cut yourself off from the world and all its background noise? Here's a link to's selections of writing environments and NaNoWriMo picks!
(You'll see this green window below on the link you click above. The red text are all more links to pages with environments the website picked out for the best writing environments!)
(Yours truly's NaNoWriMo environment was picked in the selection of NaNo environments!)
It's half-way through the month. I know you can do it, so just keep at your challenge and write, write, write!