Although writing and publishing her work is Karina’s dream, she runs her own graphic design business. Karina graduated from the University of Houston with a bachelor’s degree in creative writing. Through internships, Karina discovered an interest for graphic and web design and turned it into a business. Karina runs her own, entirely online, graphic design firm which can be found at bookishpromotions.com. She offers graphic and web design services at affordable market prices. Additionally, Karina offers training services, so her clients can maximize their online experience once their websites are live.
A little bit

As a

Karina is as avid about her writing as she is about promoting the importance of a writing community. The best advice she's ever received was to surround herself constantly with writing. This entails attending writing conferences, write-ins (virtual or otherwise) and joining a critique group. Karina loves to spend her days writing along to lo-fi beats and sipping a nice hot cup of tea.
As a
Graphic Designer
Karina uses her talents through her business, Bookish Promotions, to help her clients realize their unique artistic designs. Karina specializes in sensitivity regarding her client's budget, schedule and vision. She prides herself on eye-catching, clean designs that are unique to each client. Karina also offers training services to progressively increase the accessibility of a client's web design software.

How to
Get in Touch
Head over to my Bulletin page and connect with my social links!
If you're looking for a graphic or web designer, head over to bookishpromotions.com and send me an inquiry.
I've reviewed books for publishers! If you're looking for someone to review your latest book, email me and let's discuss!
If you're looking to add me as a NaNoWriMo writing buddy, log onto NaNoWriMo.org and visit my profile at: nanowrimo.org/participants/karina-sokulski.