We Writers love our symbols, don't we? Many of us have been intrigued by how our favorite authors use colors, plants, or seasons in their scenes - especially when it comes to flowers. It's common for the dashing prince to present a rose to the princess as a sign of love in most fairytales. In The Great Gatsby, Daisy’s namesake suggests an innocence associated with the flower, a choice on Fitzgerald’s part that suggests such innocence may only be an illusion. One of Shakespeare's most famous examples of flowers being used symbolically is Ophelia's delivery of flowers to each character, representing a specific emotion or sentiment from the play, Hamlet. All of these examples stem from a timeless connection humans have with nature. Cultures all over the world have sprinkled their folklore, literature and mythology with all kinds of blooms to evoke emotion and spirituality. Our contemporary fiction is no different.
It’s no secret that I have a love of flowers. When I’m not reading or writing, I’m gardening. When I’m not gardening, I’m reading and spotting the use of flowers in a story like it’s a Where’s Waldo? book. I love when I catch authors making use of the language of flowers in their stories. I love doing it in my own writing—especially since my current project exhibits a character with a knack for botany. Since there are literally hundreds of flowers to choose from, the research can discourage a writer from using such a lovely language. As such, I’ve taken it upon myself in this blog to come up with a master list (alphabetically arranged) of flowers, their meanings and visual aids for all your descriptive needs!
Whether you’re looking for a bloom to get things steamy—or feverish—
take a gander and get more floral with your symbolism.

Until next time, from the Writing Nook!