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Writer's pictureKarina M. Sokulski

Camp NaNoWriMo: Prepping for Camp NaNo Session 2

I missed Camp NaNoWriMo's April session this year. I was on a fifth anniversary vacation that was much needed but not very restful. I jotted down notes on a flight here and a train ride there but it turned out my creative brain needed the break as much as I did. The break is over now though, and I've got a couple of months to plan my goal for Camp NaNoWriMo's July session!

Yes, you read that right. This year, to my equal surprise, this year's Camp NaNoWriMo is in July rather than June. The reason for this change I don't know, but it's honestly a blessing on my summer work schedule. There's two months worth of prep time for Camp NaNo's second session and I'm thinking a series of prep posts is just what my hype train needs! Before my hype train can leave the station, however, let's cover what Camp NaNoWriMo is to anyone new to the scene.

Camp NaNoWriMo is a month-long challenge much like its predecessor perpetually scheduled in the month of November. Camp NaNoWriMo offers challenging writers (also known as "NaNoers") two monthly sessions (April and July as of 2022). Nanoers log onto the official NaNoWriMo site, log their progress and earn rewards should they succeed. Camp NaNoWriMo also offers a uniquely customizable goal of the writer's choosing. A feature that sets it apart from the staple 50,000 word challenge across the month of November.

Official information can be found on their official website here: {X}

Now that we've gotten the basics out of the way, I think I'll kick off this series by breaking down what you can expect to see in the coming future. Below you won't find a cemented itinerary as ADHD and my creative brain won't stand for it, but you will find a list of topics I'm determined to cover.

Camp NaNoWriMo: The Perfect Victory-Jitters Therapy

Let's face it. Whether you're new to the community or you've yet to win your first NaNoWriMo challenge 50,000 words is a lot! Can't find a better opportunity to build yourself up for November's NaNoWriMo challenge by going to camp and setting your own goal.

Camp NaNoWriMo: Types of Camp NaNo Challenges to Try

You want to challenge camp NaNoWriMo but have no idea what to work on. Never fear! This post will detail challenges both I and fellow NaNoers have undertaken in a pinch.

Camp NaNoWriMo: Routine, Routine, Routine!

Any NaNoWriMo victory depends heavily on one thing: scheduling a routine! Making time to write can be illusive with a busy week. Having time for your challenge is crucial and this post will help you organize a schedule more welcoming to your writing.

Camp NaNoWrimo: It's Dangerous to Go Alone (and Without These Resources)!

Your Camp NaNo Challenge may be your own, but it doesn't mean you have to do it alone. This post will share with you free downloads, resources and tools for you to claim during your prep work!

Camp NaNoWriMo: Networking Anyone?

If you're looking for a writing community, might I suggest tuning into the arrival of this post? Nothing's more motivating than a writing community and you can expect suggestions on where to turn for the right networks to get your motivation pumping.

More to Come!

We've got a couple of months before July's arrival, but there's already so much to do! The time to brainstorm next Camp NaNo session is now. Ask yourself: what should I choose to write? Should I writer or edit? Will this be the session I finish my November project? Or do I want to be spontaneous? Commence the percolation of creative thought and I'll be back with our first entry in the series.

Happy Writing!


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