It’s October and that means it’s time for NaNoWriMo prep-month! National Novel Writing Month is right around the corner and the absolute WORST thing a writer can do is leave NaNo prep to the last possible minute. In the spirit of October, let’s get the creative juices flowing with a “Promptober” post to inspire. Bellow I’ve put together prompts to flex our creative brains—and yes, they are October themed. Challenge yourself with the following images, scenarios, settings and see where they take you!
Scenario Prompt #1:
Person in mourning, pet is behaving strangely, dog catcher, that song is on the radio again
Scenario Prompt #2:
Witness, message chalked on sidewalk, backpack, person who can’t stop thinking about that dream last night
Image Prompt #1:

The above image must be incorporated into a scene in your writing.
Image Prompt #2:

The above image must be incorporated into a scene in your writing.
Image Prompt #3:

The above image must be incorporated into a scene in your writing.
Character Build Prompt #1:
Build a character with the following traits--
Character Build Prompt #2:
Build a character with the following traits--
Character Build Prompt #3:
Build a character with the following traits--
Setting Prompt #1:
Halloween’s around the corner and it’s time for your protagonist to get their pub (obviously set in a high-fantasy world) festive! Describe the decor, the seasonal menu items, the magical races eagerly coming to order—go crazy!
Setting Prompt #2:
Halloween season means goth season. Write about a small gothic town filled with goth-obsessed characters. Get edgy, get dark and dramatic but here’s the twist: your goth story has to have a family of wholesome, lovey-dovey pastel-clad vampires come to town.
Setting Prompt #3:
Autumn is considered the most beautiful of the seasons for the dramatic changes in its landscape between day and night. By day: a beautiful crescendo of colors, cool weather, mouth-watering flavors and nostalgic smells. By night: dark, still nights where the moon is blotted out by clouds, filled with dense fog, littered with creepy sounds...and a whole lot more. Depict both these contrasting settings in your writing.
Until next time, from the Writing Nook!