Whenever I find myself in need of an inspiration boost for my writing, I like turning to my favorite “internet fox-holes” that occupy my bookmarks bar. Some of these links lead to weekly writing prompts, exercises and an impressive database full of generators that offer far more than character names. If you find yourself getting stuck during NaNoWriMo you may want to try giving the following links a try.
Fantasy Name Generators
This isn’t the first time on this blog that I’ve referenced this site. www.fantasynamegenerators.com is a site equipped with hundreds of generators for (but not limited to) names for characters, worlds, species etc. There are even generators in this website that offer ideas for descriptions of places, people, creatures, the list goes on. It’s a website that has it all and an online destination that makes it harder not to find what you’re looking for.
Here’s a blog I’m happily subscribed to for the sake of my writing. My interaction is limited to this blog’s nifty prompts’ tab, but that’s not a bad thing. It’s a good spot for when I find myself stuck and want to play with a writing prompt or two to get the creative juices flowing. If you’re interested in something to work towards this NaNoWriMo, https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/ offers writing contests with money prizes.
Writing Prompts @ Tumblr
This is another nifty internet spot I frequent when looking for writing exercises. You don’t need a Tumblr account to access this blog, just spare time and creativity. On the home page, you’ll see a list of writing prompts ready to be tried. If nothing you see tickles your fancy, you can always press the “Random Prompt Button” for the blog to assign you one. Check https://writingprompts.tumblr.com/ out for yourself and get writing.
Writing Exercises
Simple, effective and this site has the added bonus of some uber-helpful generators. It isn’t as extensive on the front of generators as FantasyNameGenerators, but that’s a good thing on an especially distractible day. From generating first lines to random dialogue your characters can say, https://writingexercises.co.uk/ will help you try different ideas on for size.
I’m sure there are hundreds more you could find with the help of a search engine, but these are some of my favorites. NaNoWrimo is just six days away and if you’re in need of an idea, these are the online destinations you should definitely visit. Whether you’re looking for a plot, canvasing settings or building a main character, every one of these sites can provide you a helpful start.