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  • Writer's pictureKarina M. Sokulski

I'm on Panel at Indiepalooza!

It's been a while since I've been on a panel and have landed a spot on one at Indiepalooza! For those who don't know, Indiepalooza is a writing conference hosted every year by the Houston Writers Guild. The writing conference always provides an impressive lineup of authors, publishers, marketing strategists, podcast hosts and graphic designers to name a few. Whether you're thinking of self-publishing or going the traditional route, there's something every writer can take away from this conference. If you're interested in blogging about your writing or are looking to discuss some graphic design opportunities for your books, catch me at the conference!

Panel: "Book Reviews & Bloggers Q&A"

Join the conversation with these book reviewers and bloggers. Hear about effective strategies for starting your own blog, but, more importantly, learn how to find and connect with bloggers that review books. Find out how these writers can help novelists in promoting their books and building an audience together.

In light of the pandemic, Indiepalooza will be virtual this year and Zoom links will be delivered when you purchase your tickets. Which means you'll have access to tons of helpful information without having to leave home. Tickets are available for purchased on A single-day ticket is only $50 and the whole weekend is $75! Purchase your tickets today and get ready to learn a thing or two at Indiepalooza.

Happy Writing!


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